Front-end engineer

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India


We are an online travel company looking for HTML, CSS & Javascript fanatics who are also design enthusiasts. Why does a travel company need front-end engineers you ask? Well, because we like designing and developing all our products in-house to ensure what we call front-end goodness. Our suite of travel products attempts to change the way individuals and businesses buy travel and how airlines, hotels and agents sell it. We aim for our products to be exceptionally designed, super-responsive and really easy to use. So, every micro-second matters, every “bloaty” byte is dispensable and every stone on the path to optimization will be turned.

We need someone who can help us in this endeavour. Someone who’s as excited about the possibilities with HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript as us. Some other projects we need help with:

  • We recently launched our mobile site (visit from any phone to check it out) and have a bunch of ideas around building on it.
  • Our mothership ( is always evolving and we have some big plans for it – think of all the possibilities with HTML5 and CSS3.
  • We have only scratched the surface of travel planning with Small World ( - there's a lot we can do there.

Job Perks

Other than the opportunity to work on some cutting-edge products, you also get to work with some really smart and nice people. We assure you all the tools you need to do your job well – Macs, reference books, conference passes and a start-up culture so you’re guaranteed a great working environment. You also have the option of geeking it out either in the fine climes of Bengaluru or sweating it out in aamchi Mumbai (don't stress, our offices are air-conditioned but you know what I mean).